Monday, December 18, 2017

Cup of Yoga part -01

He who practices yoga without moderation of diet, incurs various diseases, and obtains no success.” (Gheranda Samhita)

Foods to Help Balance Your Body and Mind

Today i write 3 important foods which help to balance your body and mind.
1. Nuts, Seeds, and Oils
Soaking nuts and seeds overnight will remove their natural enzyme inhibitors and make them easier for your body to digest. Choose fresh, pure nuts or seeds. If they have been overly roasted or salted, they lose their sattvic properties. Almonds, hemp seeds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, walnuts, and flax seeds are all great choices. Most oils should be consumed raw, but some can be used in cooking. These include ghee, sesame oil, and coconut oil. 

2. Honey
Honey is on the short list of sweeteners that is acceptable to use in moderation in a sattvic diet.   Brown rice syrup, fruit juice concentrates, maple syrup, sucanat, and sugar cane juice are also acceptable in moderation. Avoid processed white sugar if at all possible.

3. Fresh Organic Fruit
For the most part, any fresh organic fruit can be included in the sattvic diet, but there are some exceptions. Avocados and tomatoes are considered rajasic and should never be consumed in excess. But you’re safe to eat most fruits, including apples, bananas, berries, grapes, melons, oranges, peaches, and plums. These are considered especially sattvic. Yogis may also fast from fruits, but otherwise, they are an important part of the sattvic diet. They are considered symbols of generosity and spirituality. Eating fruits and vegetables is believed to increase one’s magnetism.

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